poested on Dec 21, 2017

Kou Kai i(Ling Nan Shi Fan University) won the first place at the Asian Student Short Essay Contest. This contest is held once a year and is sponsored by Matsumoto Y's Men's Club. "The contestants' essays were excellent and rich in variety and covering topics such as living as foreigners in Japan, the differences in culture and the importance of international understanding." Kai's essay was about " What is a rich life?". She asserted that people should have their own choices for their own lives. In China, parents, relatives, and local communities tend to decide their children's lives because they want their children to have rich and safe lives. Her parents are no exception and they pushed her to become a teacher. But she has a different goal. She wants to become a Chinese / Japanese interpreter to bond the two countries, and she is majoring in Japanese at her university. She is still trying to change her parents' mind、but they still want her to become a teacher .Through her essay, we can learn the importance of individual freedom, and see Japanese society in an objective way.