- 教育研究情報
2015 Matsumoto University Short-term program
"Japanese learning and experience of Japanese company and Japanese culture"
Matsumoto City located in a stoop in North Alps called "Japanese roof" and the castle town conspicuous for national treasure Matsumoto-jo where a castle was built in 1504.
There are scenic areas which represents Japan such as Kamikochi and Utsukushigahara high plain. And there are also effective and good hot springs such as Shirahone Onsen and Asama Onsen.
Matsumoto University is in the international tourist city which represents such Japan.
In this summer, we are planning short-term program
"Japanese learning and experience of Japanese company and Japanese culture"
at Matsumoto University for an overseas exchange agreement schools.
And as the first try, we would like to appeal participation to everyone of the student who learns Japanese at all over the world.
Wouldn't you like to participate in the program which touches Japanese and Japanese culture in Japan during your summer holidays?
[Application procedure]
There are scenic areas which represents Japan such as Kamikochi and Utsukushigahara high plain. And there are also effective and good hot springs such as Shirahone Onsen and Asama Onsen.
Matsumoto University is in the international tourist city which represents such Japan.
In this summer, we are planning short-term program
"Japanese learning and experience of Japanese company and Japanese culture"
at Matsumoto University for an overseas exchange agreement schools.
And as the first try, we would like to appeal participation to everyone of the student who learns Japanese at all over the world.
Wouldn't you like to participate in the program which touches Japanese and Japanese culture in Japan during your summer holidays?
- Itinerary
- July 26 (Sun) - August 9 (Sun), 2015 *JAPAN Time
- The number of persons to be accepted 20 people (for 1 class)
- Japanese level The Japanese capacity test - second degree is needed.
- Japanese learning -12 hours
- Lecture about culture of Japan - 12 hours
- Entrance fee
- 191,000 JPyen (estimate)
- For more information, please see a attached leaflet, >>> (PDF)
[Application procedure]
- Please fill out the application form and e-mail it to us by May 10.
- Please make an advance payment of 60,000 JPyen to the designated account by May 25.
- Attached is application form >>> (word documents)
- *A deposit can't be repaid, so please be careful.
- Please transfer the balance to the account designated by June 25.
For more information, contact:
- Matsumoto University International Exchange Center
- +81-263-48-7203
- +81-263-48-7290
- kazuhiro.sekizawa@matsu.ac.jp
- ※ Correspondence in English and Japanese is possible.
- 実施期間
- 2015年7月26日(日)~8月9日(日)
- 募集人数20名(1クラス)
- レベル 日本語能力試験2級程度
- 日本語クラス12時間
- その他の講義12時間
- 研修費用
- 191,000円(予定)
- 詳しくは、リーフレットをご覧ください>>>(PDF)
- アプリケーションフォームに必要事項を記入して松本大学までe-mailにて送ってください。(5月10日まで)
- 前金60,000円を指定する口座へお振込ください。(5月25日まで)
- アプリケーションフォーム>>>(word documents)
- ※この金額は不参加になっても返金できませんので、ご注意ください。
- 残金は6月25日までに指定する口座にお振込ください。